Oh it’s time, my lovelies! Tomorrow I leave on a jet plane (technically 2) throughout Argentina, ultimately settling in Ushuaia on Thursday around noon. I’ve been throwing stuff in a pile for weeks, and making multiple lists. So it’s finally time to narrow down what’s realistic and necessary...
I’ve laid all my first-round stuff on my bed to get a better visual, and already know at least 1/3 of it has gots ta go. Check out this massive pile o’ crap:
Now granted, I do need some extra cold weather and hiking/camping gear, so we gonna get bulky no matter how you slice it. But it’s def time to trim the fat.
With the assistance of Antarctica veteran and cat sitter extraordinaire, Hyme, I was able to ditch a mound of clothes and unneeded layers.
Thass bettah
Still looks like a lot but trust me, it’ll fit.
And it does!
Having my final night’s snuggle with Felix - about to hit the sack. Pretty sure I’ve got everything I need. What would you never travel without?
Nite nite 😘🌙
ANTARCTICA FUND still up and running! Philanthropy is dead SEXY!!!